Miles City Unified Board of Trustees Special Board Meeting
Miles City Unified Board of Trustees Special Board Meeting - Staffing: WMS Interviews
Miles City Unified Board of Trustees Special Board Meeting - Policy Committee Meeting
Miles City Unified Board of Trustees
Special Board Meeting- Staffing: WMS Interviews
SHAPE (Society for Health & Physical Education) Montana is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving Health and Physical Education teachers of Montana through conferences, workshops and continuing professional development opportunities. We strive to bring the best practices for Health & Physical Education to the teachers of Montana. SHAPE MT awards Teacher of the Year in five categories: Elementary School, Middle School, High School, K-12, and Health. The K-12 nominee must teach at least 2 of the 3 levels (elementary, middle, high). The nominee must be a current teacher, have a minimum of five years teaching experience, and be a current member of SHAPE MT to be eligible for nomination. SHAPE Montana is pleased to announce Kyle Pryor as the 2022 Teacher of the Year. Mr. Pryor is a credit to his field and SHAPE Montana is proud to present him with this award. Mr. Pryor will be presented the award during SHAPE Montana’s annual conference on Tuesday, August 2nd in Missoula, MT. NOTICE: Regular & Reorganization Meetings of the MCUSD School Board of Trustees - 5/10/22, 7:00 p.m.5/5/2022
Regular Meeting
Board Reorganization - immediately following the adjournment of the regular board meeting District Vehicle/Transportation Committee Meeting