The Trustees of Custer County District No. 1 and District High School will hold their regular meeting at the School Administration Office, 1604 Main Street, Miles City, Montana at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 and will consider and adopt final budgets for the next ensuing school fiscal year. This meeting could be continued until final adoption of the district’s budget. The budgets are on file in the District Clerk’s office and open to inspection by all taxpayers. Any taxpayer of the district may attend the meeting and be heard for or against the ensuing school year budgets. For further information, contact the District Clerk at the School Administration Office, 1604 Main, Miles City, Montana or call 234-3840. Dated July 28, 2022 Robert Wagner Board Chairperson Custer County SD #1 and District High School ATTEST: Lenore Bricco Business Manager/District Clerk Original Notice Document (PDF) Comments are closed.