Federal Funds for free meals ran out at the end of July, and the Federal Government did not renew the program. Therefore, the Miles City Unified School District will be required to charge for breakfast/lunch/extra milks in the 2022-23 school year at the following rates:
With the reinstatement of full pay meals, we will again be required to have all families in the District complete the Free and Reduced Application for the USDA's National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. Those qualifying through the application process will be charged the following rates:
We are excited to announce that our application is now online, making it easier than ever for families to submit and get a decision in a shorter amount of time regarding their status. Please use the link provided to complete your application. Online Application: https://dca.opi.mt.gov/FRApp?sponsorNum=0172 Please contact Jana Mueller at Central Office with any questions: 406-234-3840 Comments are closed.